Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Och-Aye Land

As most people did not know I ended up going to Edinburgh. Where I met Matt. Not the Matt I've been traveling with, mind you, not my dear pal, with whom I've shared many a French class. But with my very own Matt. MY Matt. My "special" fwiend. For a while, we were planning on meeting in Rome. But Matt never got around to planning that so I always assumed it would never happen. Then on day two or three in Paris he emails me and says hey! lets go! Just to add to my stress level. Well, as it turns out getting anywhere from Bordeaux is very complicated, and I'm not super comfortable with the train system in France (or anywhere for that matter) so just the idea of train hopping was freaking me out. A lot. So I say to him. I'm not going anywhere but Brussels or Edinburgh (they speak English!) because those are some of the only places that Ryan Air flies from (it's cheap and simple! Yay!).

Lo and behold he decides on Edinburgh. So after many hours for him flying. And the longest 2 hours of my life (lets just say Ryan Air takes economy to an entirely new level). Matt managed to find me in the airport.

After a very long hug (seriously, how lame are we? only after a week apart....) we asked a gent how to get to the hotel.

We rode on the top of a double decker bus, totally missed our stop because they don't announce anything nor is anything obviously labeled. Luckily I'm very skilled with a map and we managed to find the adorable little hotel!

Random side note, the Scots are impossible to understand. I seriously thought that they were going to send me back to the US because I made the passport guy repeat himself so many times.

1 comment:

  1. So... was it fun! Looking forward to details about the trip! How is school?
