Saturday, November 13, 2010

Yes, I realize the sky is blue

Toulouse is amazing! (I’m actually writing this in Lourdes, but that’s another story)

I arrived at the train station and attempted to find a map. Luckily one of the guys handling people’s complaints was nice enough to give me one. He said it wasn’t very good, so just use the one on the metro. So I take the metro a whole ONE stop only not to find a new map and realize the one he gave was perfectly acceptable. Oh well.

I wandered around for a bit (user error, haha, what can you do?) and found my hotel. It was very nice for the price I paid; only I had to leave my key with them when I left for dinner. Strange!

I had Quick for dinner! Quick is France’s weak attempt at creating their own McDonald’s. I didn’t want to leave France without eating there (seeing how truly French it really is) so I figured it was the night to do it! I would have much rather had McDonald’s, but I’m really trying not to eat it while I’m here.

I watched French television (aka The Simpsons with French dubbing and BBC), then got lulled to sleep by French tennis announcers.

This morning I woke up bright and early to wander around Toulouse. I think it’s about the same size population wise as Bordeaux, but organized differently. It had a completely different feel than Bordeaux.

In the area I walked around, I ran into five churches, had breakfast, bought an umbrella, ate lunch (PB&J!) sat by a river and just enjoyed France. It was glorious!

I went back to the hotel where they were holding my bag and got myself to the train station without the metro. I think I’m getting pretty good at maneuvering around Europe.

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