Today, Taylor and I took THE BUS. Oh yes. Not public transportation. Quite the opposite in fact. We took the big red bus that ports all the tourists around!
We learned many fun facts about Porto. We came to learn that Porto isn’t really that old compared to most of Europe. All the cool buildings were generally built in the 18th century. While that seems really old for the states, it’s relatively young for Europe.
We also went to the ocean! It was really epic, with waves crashing everywhere. I felt so salt when we left. Both our cameras needed to be cleaned up a bit from the spray. Totally the best part of the trip.
The city is filled with gorgeous old buildings right next to really trashy apartments built in the 60s. There are also many churches everywhere. Portugal has to be the most Catholic country that I’ve ever been to (and I’ve been to Mexico…granted I’ve never been to the Vatican) Jesus and Mary are everywhere! They watch you eat lunch, they bless your pastries, they help you pick your groceries.
We were settling in for the night when we get a call from the Germans. It turns out the hostel they were going to stay at was full, so they stayed with us…after all we had 2 extra beds. We had a couple EPIC rounds of spoons (luckily we have no shortage of spoons) where we all have the pleasure of exchanging curses and attempting to steal spoons from the person across the table from you.
We eventually convinced the Germans it’s time for bed.
I want to play spoons with Germans! Or Canadians...whatever