Sunday, October 31, 2010

What time is it?

Last night provided much confusion. As it turns out, day light savings time happens earlier in Europe. This meant we had to spend our evening trying to figure out what time we had to set our alarms in order to clean up, leave, catch the metro, to catch the plane. Normally this wouldn’t be a problem. In the states, all our fancy phones automatically change themselves, so we would just set our alarms and wake up and go. Our French phones are not only archaic, but they are in Bordeaux time not Porto time. In the end we set our alarms 2 hours before we actually wanted to wake up. Some phones got us up at 6 am (the fancier ones that set themselves) and other phones got us up at 8am (success!). While it was annoying the we got woken up 2 hours early, we managed to get back to sleep and catch the plane on time!

Seeing as it’s Halloween Taylor and I treated ourselves to some Halloween candy before takeoff.

It was a little sad that this is the first Halloween ever that I haven’t dressed up. It’s a very strange feeling to be in a country that doesn’t really celebrate Halloween. Some clubs and bars had dress up parties, but other than that nothing too thrilling. (Also, it should be noted that the French are very uncreative when it comes to costumes)

Getting back to Bordeaux was a great feeling. It was refreshing to realize how much we missed it. Bordeaux has become completely comfortable to us. It’s home. I realized that I’ve actually lived in Bordeaux longer than I have in Walla Walla, or the new apartment in Bellingham. It makes it that much more scary to leave. This is more my home than the US is. How weird is that? In a country where I understand about a quarter of what is being said, I feel pretty darn comfortable.

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